Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) Training

The goal is to explain the program, walk providers through the sign-up process and to introduce some of the system and administrative processes they will use as a participating provider. 

USAC has scheduled a training for small providers that are interested in offering the Affordable Connectivity Program to their customers on Thursday, October 13 from 3 – 4pm.  Interested providers can use this registration link for the training.

Providers interested in learning more about the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) can visit USAC’s website, join the ACP email list, and sign up for program trainings.

Additional information is on USAC’s Participate in ACP page. After USAC processes a provider’s ACP election, the provider will receive detailed information on the next steps to access our systems.  In addition to the resources they will receive, we also have 101 training videos explaining how providers use the National Verifier to check consumer eligibility, the National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD) to enroll subscribers, and the Affordable Connectivity Claims System to submit claims for reimbursement.  The training videos are all available on our Webinars page.

Please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested in attending this training.