BCAP Responds to FCC’s Vote on Net Neutrality

April 25, 2024
Media Contact: Jennifer Algoe Keaton
717.214.2000 or 717.979.3986

HARRISBURG – The Broadband Communications Association of Pennsylvania (BCAP) issued the following statement after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to reclassify broadband as a Title II service.

The statement can be attributed to BCAP President Todd Eachus:

“The game of regulatory ping pong continues, as the FCC has once again instituted a regulation that is a solution in search of a problem. When net neutrality was first considered, proponents argued that if broadband wasn’t reclassified, the internet would come to a stop. Providers would block, throttle and discriminate traffic, and users would have to pay to visit each and every website. That never happened.

“In fact, FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr this morning called it ‘one of the greatest hoaxes in regulatory history.’ We couldn’t agree more. This ill-advised move places ISP investment in broadband networks at risk and could not come at a worse time. ISPs are working hard to reinvest in their networks to ensure sustainability while looking to close the digital divide. With this overreach of government intrusion, the goal of internet for all is in serious jeopardy.”

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The Broadband Communications Association of Pennsylvania, a member-driven organization based in Harrisburg, actively promotes broadband cable and telecommunications industry issues in Pennsylvania. BCAP – the nation’s first state cable association – represents cable operators, programmers and equipment suppliers that collectively provide service to nearly 3 million Pennsylvania households and businesses.

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Broadband Communications Association of Pennsylvania
127 State St., Harrisburg PA 17101
717.214.2000 * www.BCAPA.com  * @BCAPisBroadband
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