Broadband Association Issues Statement Following Submission
of Bulk Map Challenges to FCC 



JANUARY 12, 2023 

Media Contact: Jennifer Algoe Keaton 

717.214.2000 or 717.979.3986 

HARRISBURG, PA – The Broadband Communications Association of Pennsylvania’s President Todd Eachus today issued the following statement in response to the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority’s (PBDA) bulk challenge of a national map compiled by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC): 

“BCAP appreciates the efforts of the PBDA in collecting and submitting this data. It is critically important that we have the most accurate map possible, not only to maximize funding, but to ensure those dollars are targeted to the unserved and underserved communities.  BCAP member companies stand ready to support the PBDA’s efforts to ensure the most accurate maps possible.” 

In order for Pennsylvania to receive federal funding for expanded broadband deployment, the FCC asked residents and business to verify their particular geographic information with respect to broadband service. Once the challenges have been submitted, the FCC will now work directly with providers to verify the information submitted. 

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